FRENCH BULLDOG (AKC Non-Sporting Group) Height: up to 12 inches. Weight: up to 28 pounds. Size: Small. Availability: Difficult to find. History: The French Bulldog was originally developed in England as a miniature version of the English Bulldog. These small bulldogs were adopted by the Nottingham lace workers who went to France and took their dogs with them. Streetwalkers in France greatly admired the imports and this led to the name French Bulldog. When the breed was eventually brought back to England for exhibition, the English made a big uproar about the name French Bulldog, since the Bulldog was originally an English breed and because the Bulldog was a traditional symbol of English culture. The French Bulldog is a pleasant, easy-care companion. Description: A sturdy little bulldog with large, erect, rounded bat ears and a flat muzzle. The square flat head is not as massive as the English Bulldog's. The forehead is rounded. Height doesn't matter as long as the dog is well balanced. The height at the withers should be approximately the same as the length from withers to tail set. The dog should be pear- shaped, with the shoulders wider than the tail area. There are two weight classes of French Bulldog, 19-22 lbs. and 22-28 lbs. Over 28 pounds is a disqualification. The short, soft, easy-care coat comes in brindle, fawn, white and combinations of brindle or fawn with white. The skin is soft and fairly loose, making the dog very pleasant to pet. The prominent round eyes are dark colored and the bite is undershot. The tail is either straight or cork-screw. Notes: Particularly good for the elderly. Clean, quiet and companionable. Sensitive to temperature extremes. Overheating this dog may cause heatstroke; prefers cooler climates for this reason. Prone to eye and respiratory problems. If too overweight, the French Bulldog may have trouble breathing. May wheeze, snore and be gassy. This breed cannot swim because of his physique, so be very careful around swimming pools. Sometimes bitches must deliver by Cesarean section because of the puppies' large heads. Personality: Very sweet, playful and affectionate. Bright and easygoing. Curious and alert. Devoted; often bonds strongly to a single person. Needs lots of companionship and will not thrive without it. Fairly willful, but can be trained if the owner is patient. Can be a bit snappish if irritable or uncomfortable. Frenchies generally don't like other dogs, as they are possessive of their owners. Behavior: Children: Best with older, considerate children. Friendliness: Reserved with strangers. Trainability: Slightly difficult to train. Independence: Needs people a lot. Dominance: Low. Other Pets: Good with other pets if raised with them from puppyhood. Combativeness: Friendly with other dogs. Noise: Average barker. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Very little grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: No trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Short coat. Shedding: Average shedder. Exercise: Very little exercise needed. Jogging: A poor jogging companion. Indoors: Moderately active indoors. Apartments: Good for apartment living. Outdoor Space: Does all right without a yard. Climate: Prefers cool climates. Owner: Good for novice owners. Longevity: Average (10 to 12 years). Talents: watchdog. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: FRENCH BULLDOG Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.